Top 10 product will be bestseller in 2018
1.Mobile Accessories
As mobile phone is used for people,We analysis the data,we can promise that Mobile Accessories will be bestseller in 2018.
This product named by Athletic and Leisure,so it can improve the style of people need.
So trades can sell like Sports sweatshirts, sports pants, tight pants, sports bras, vest, head band, hat and shoes, and other colors and styles of sports and leisure clothing.
3.household products
It is used by people everyday and it can decorate your house more convinent also beautiful like table cloth,table cover,wallpaper,etc. If you have a shop for tourism related products, you can sell sleep covers, earplugs, and other travel related accessories. toys
Do you Fidget spinning and MOKURU in 2017?It shows that fashion and interesting products can attracts thousands of people.
5.minimalist watches
Because minimalist watches is simple fashion,so many young people like it.The global watch sales are nearly $1 billion 200 million a year, and the number is still rising.
The seller can sell products include handbags,backpacks,bags, wallets and handbags men.Women are often the main consumers of knapsack and handbag.It can get your many profits.
7.LED Portable Projectors
Some mini projectors can be connected to the mobile phone which can carry it easily.You can choose to sell the mini projector, the handheld projector, the lighting / laser projector, etc. products
In the category of beauty products, eyelash related products are becoming more and more popular in product search. This nice product is most suitable for sale in a beauty shop as a series of products brush cleaners
About 61% of women wash up less than once a month. The biggest challenge for consumers is to clean up the brush for a long time,and they don’t know how to clean up, or do not know the need to clean up.Fortunately, there is now a cosmetic brush cleaning device that simplifies the cleaning process and allows women consumers to clean up the brush more often
We think that shapewear will increase to nearly $5 billion 600 million in 2022.In 2018, e-commerce sellers can provide various styles of body clothing for female consumers, such as underwear type, or daily wear.
Source: Editor: jamyon imp.&exp. Co.,ltd