Trader!Useful Abbreviations in foreign trade you should know

Do you know word like L/C,S/C,etc.Jamyon will tell you about it.
FCAFree Carrier
FASFree Alongside Ship
FOBFree on Board
CFRCost and Freight
CIFCost,Insurance and Freight
CPTCarriage Paid To
CIPCarriage and Insurance Paid To
DAFDelivered At Frontier
DESDelivered Ex Ship
DEQDelivered Ex Quay
DDUDelivered Duty Unpaid)
DDPDelivered Duty Paid
ORCOrigen Recevie Charges
THCTerminal Handling Charges
BAFBunker Adjustment Factor
CAFCurrency Adjustment Factor
YASYard Surcharges
EPSEquipment Position Surcharges
DDCDestination Delivery Charges
PSSPeak Season Sucharges
PCSPort Congestion Surcharge
DOCDOcument charges
O/FOcean Freight
B/LBill of Lading
MB/LMaster Bill of Lading
MTDMultimodal Transport Document
L/CLetter of Credit
C/OCertificate of Origin
S/CSales Confirmation
S/OShipping Order
W/TWeight Ton)
M/TMeasurement Ton
W/MWeight or Measurement ton
CYContainer Yard
FCLFull Container Load)
LCLLess than Container Load
CFSContainer Freight Station
TEUTwenty-feet Equivalent Units
A/WAll Water
MLBMini Land Bridge
NVOCCNon-Vessel Operating Common Carrier
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