Trader!Useful Abbreviations in foreign trade you should know
Do you know word like L/C,S/C,etc.Jamyon will tell you about it.
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FCA | Free Carrier |
FAS | Free Alongside Ship |
FOB | Free on Board |
CFR | Cost and Freight |
CIF | Cost,Insurance and Freight |
CPT | Carriage Paid To |
CIP | Carriage and Insurance Paid To |
DAF | Delivered At Frontier |
DES | Delivered Ex Ship |
DEQ | Delivered Ex Quay |
DDU | Delivered Duty Unpaid) |
DDP | Delivered Duty Paid |
ORC | Origen Recevie Charges |
THC | Terminal Handling Charges |
BAF | Bunker Adjustment Factor |
CAF | Currency Adjustment Factor |
YAS | Yard Surcharges |
EPS | Equipment Position Surcharges |
DDC | Destination Delivery Charges |
PSS | Peak Season Sucharges |
PCS | Port Congestion Surcharge |
DOC | DOcument charges |
O/F | Ocean Freight |
B/L | Bill of Lading |
MB/L | Master Bill of Lading |
MTD | Multimodal Transport Document |
L/C | Letter of Credit |
C/O | Certificate of Origin |
S/C | Sales Confirmation |
S/O | Shipping Order |
W/T | Weight Ton) |
M/T | Measurement Ton |
W/M | Weight or Measurement ton |
CY | Container Yard |
FCL | Full Container Load) |
LCL | Less than Container Load |
CFS | Container Freight Station |
TEU | Twenty-feet Equivalent Units |
A/W | All Water |
MLB | Mini Land Bridge |
NVOCC | Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier |